We're taking a bit of a breather while the world rearranges its underpants. Meanwhile, the other blog is here.

Monday, July 07, 2008

Taking the biscuit

We booked a meeting room in the Town Hall for a presentation this morning. The presentation went quite well. The hospitality was interesting...

Lukewarm tea and coffee was provided. We'd bought our own biscuits and were just about to dive into them when one of the lady attendants came in.

"You can't have biscuits."

"They're our own."

"You can't bring in biscuits. It's the rules."

"I'm sorry, I didn't know."

"You should do."

Customer care Helminthdale-style. It turns out that the biscuit ban's a response to last year's scandal; the local rag dubbed it 'Biscuitgate,' in a fit of originality, when it found out that the money spent on the councillor's biscuit allowance was the same as the cut in the funding for the pensioners' day centre at Umpty. Even our councillors were embarassed by this so they cut the biscuit allowance, but in a fit of pique they have decreed that if they can't have biscuits neither can anybody else.

Salome spent most of the meeting waving biscuits and doing the V's at anything likely to be a CCTV camera.


The Topiary Cow said...

"..in a fit of pique they have decreed that if they can't have biscuits neither can anybody else."

Can you say bureaucrat?

Dearie me (Cow discreetly shaking off crumbs)


Lavinia said...

Highly amusing. I've just discovered you and Can Bass. I can't believe what I've been missing....

Kevin Musgrove said...

I can say "surly dummy-thrower" but I won't because I am a servant of The Council and have duties to uphold under the Act.

And hello Lavinia!