"Isn't it a bit impious having the Millennium Bug in the manger?"
Mary, Joseph and the three kings are clothes pegs. It's the thought that counts.
Unbelievable tales from One Who Knows.
‘It is a comfort in wretchedness to have companions in woe’.
We're taking a bit of a breather while the world rearranges its underpants. Meanwhile, the other blog is here.
"Isn't it a bit impious having the Millennium Bug in the manger?"
"Shouldn't you be back home at Sheep City?" I ask.
"It's closed this week. And last."
"Is it? I didn't know."
"Neither did I until I read the paper a couple of weeks ago."
"I was told to take it as leave but all my annual leave's booked up so I'm working over here while they're closed up."
"It's not just us then."
"Oh no. Mind you, I still won't be able to do a full day today because we're being locked out at four."
"Are we?"
"You know that faulty monitor you reported at Umpty Library?"
"Oh yes..."
"Did they tell you about the fridge magnets on it?"
"That looks nice, what is it?"
"Yeugh! I don't know how you can eat that."
"Why, what's wrong with it?"
"Well, just think where it's been. It's been rolling about in a cow's mouth. Yeugh."
"What are you having, then?"
(Somebody got a case of hypocrisy in his stocking this year.)
"How come your business plan is published on Blogger?"
"Same reason our library news and the reader interactive stuff is."
"Which is...?"
"You're not the only one having problems with his corporate webmasters. We're not to have any pages longer than one screen and if it's not in the National Local Government Navigation list you can't have it on the web site. And I'm having to copy your idea of hosting pictures on Flickr. I'm having to do that so that we've got pictures in our kids' catalogue."
"Sounds horribly familiar... How many news items are you allowed at a time?"
"Just two."
"My God, are they using the same handbook?"
"The lead officer on our corporate development strategy is talking about setting up a Facebook account to host the pages explaining the strategy to the public. And you know the best what?"
"Go on..."
"The web team have volunteered me to do the corporate customer feedback pages."
"See this?"
"I've just been given this lot as the background notes for a meeting I'm going to at lunchtime. I've no idea what's been going on and I've no idea what I'm supposed to be doing about it."
"My God, they've made you a library manager without giving you the pay rise!"
I'd insisted on a pre-meeting meeting (I know, but I'm covering my back). Luckily these days the lead officer on this one is Milton so I only had to be a little insistent (for some people I have to be downright offensive before they'll budge). Even so it was somewhat dispiriting:
"Does the Library Service have a counter-proposal for this?""There's no point: they've decided what they want and that's what's going to happen."
This is an entirely unscientific sample but the subject of library managers demands a certain lack of intellectual rigour anyway, so we'll accept the results nem. con.
It's really unnerving to find that so many people from round the globe find parallels between Helminthdale and their own working environments. Ah dear... the awfulness of the public library environment when public library managers have their head.
"Is there still a Library Association these days?"
"I would have greeted Death like a long-lost uncle," replies Milton.
"Can you check the reserve stock stacks for me?"
"Yes, what am I looking for."
"Well, we've been looking all over for them for the past half hour but it turns out that Doreen's put the Writing Group Support Collection into reserve stock."
"Oh, that's news to me, too. Never mind, what am I looking for?"
"It's 'How To Write and Publish Local History' but I might be sending you on a wild goose chase because although the system says that it should be in somebody's just said that it's been issued to another writing group."
"Daisy Dormouse has re-classified the non-fiction stock here into new subject categories. Can these go onto the Catalogue?"
"No, sorry."
Still, what do I know about these things?
WFH Monday
"Nobody told you that we're closed on the 29th did they?"
"Err.. no. No, they didn't."
"I changed the due dates as I was going along but I think I missed one or two."
"You'll need to come up with me to help me get all this stuff out," says Seth.
"Do I have to?" asks Tommy. "We need to be getting back to Catty."
"Yes. I'm on me own and I can't do it all by myself."
"All right. I'll just let Julia know."
"Bad news," says Milton. "You know that five-bay study carel in ref?"One down, several million to go.
"The dead heavy one with the ground-level modesty panels that mean you need a team of four people to shift it for to plug in any new computers?"
"That's the one."
"We've not gone and bought another one?"
"But that we could. Turns out it's met with an accident during all the shifting round and we've had to chuck it out as being a health and safety danger."
"Oh that is bad news."
"It's had to be broken up and chucked out. Seth was quite upset about it."
"I can well imagine."
"That's the new one for Maybelle," says Seth. It's the one that used to be in the corner of the reference library."
"Where's it going?" I ask. Like an idiot.
"It's staying there."
"So where's the old one going?"
"That's staying there, too."
"I should stop asking questions, shouldn't I?"
"It's been a long week."
"Nancy reckons the carpeters will be finished in Special Needs by tomorrow morning so she's told everyone we're reopening on Saturday," says Mimsie.
"That's a bit ambitious isn't it?" I ask.
"Not really. Clement's off sick and Lippy's on leave. Billy's going to be spending all day on the Mobile. I'm going to be doing the nursing homes."
"And Nancy?"
"She's going to have tomorrow afternoon off."
"And Seth's shit-shifting at Catty so he won't be able to put the shelving back up..."
"Not remotely ambitious then. I'll be interested to see how it's going to happen."
The Librarian Leadership Course that Nancy and most of Management Team have gone on seems to be weighted in favour of "Put your faith in the night-time industry of pixies."
"All the staff from Catty are coming over here to work for the next few months. I'd like to see where any of them are going to work."
"Do you know when the upstairs meeting room's going to be cleared out?"
"It isn't. Himself's told me I've got to bring a pile more stuff to put in there tomorrow."
"That's a pity. The place has been booked solid for meetings by external organisations for the whole of next week."
"How much of a problem is it to dismantle the PCs in the Special Needs Section? We need to get them out of the way so that the carpeters can finish this area."
"Oh... It's no problem at all: just unplug everything and you'll be OK. It might be as well to stick a label on the staff PC to remind you which one it is."
"So it's not a problem then?"
"No, not at all. Give me a shout if you need any help."
"Can you give Billy a hand with the PCs?"
"I'll leave you to it, then. Cheerio, see you tomorrow."
To: All users
From: Network support
Subject: Network performance
Problem: Many users are encountering network access problems, including impaired or no access to shared network drives. Some users are also encountering problems with access to Outlook. This is caused by network performance issues.
Prognosis: There is no current solution to this problem.
We are obsessed with active borrowers, as someone told the Chief Exec we would have "no problems" upping performance and reaching the target.
At the beginning of September I was asked to produce a list of all those due to lapse that month so that we could mail shot them. Now, getting data off our LMS in mail mergable format isn't exactly the most straightforward process. Anyway having spent ages selecting the data and exporting it into a spreadsheet -- seriously boring work -- I've just been asked for all those due to expire Oct to Dec.
"What have you done with the September file I produced?""Nothing, I haven't had time."
Roll on retirement!
"We'll need her to cover on the enquiry desk when we're short on staff."
"Besides the fact that it would need a rewrite of the job description, it's about damned time someone had the balls to say that we can't open the library due to staff shortages. We keep telling the council we don't have the capacity to staff this many libraries. The Audit Commission said the same. So did the Peer Review Team. What a load of crap."
"What a bunch of fuckwits."
"Don't say anything," warns Verity.
"Isn't this the one that was at Catty?"
"Yes. Julia has decided that it's coming here."
"Where's it going?"
"It's staying there. There's nowhere else for it. Unless we pack up all the children's library."
"Julia's bought a sofa for the new library at Roadkill. T.Aldous asked her why she'd done so as there was a perfectly good one at Catty. Julia said that it was needed here. So there it is."
A Complicated Library Song
(after Lavigne)
Panic in the library.
Nothing much that we can see:
Some boxes need to be moved gradually from A to B.
But it's not as straight as that:
Some may need to be packed flat.
A key dependency so wait and see,
The committeeDeciding which may could meet any day.
And who is to say?
It could be OK.
They could well decide
Possibly, perhaps, maybe.Tell me,
Why must every bloody thing in here be so damned complicated?
Getting anything done round this place would be simpler
If they delegated.
It's wishful thinking: you
Can't breathe, you can't move, you can't cough
You can't blink or squint or even fart
Without permission from someone less Dragon's Den, more addle-pated.
No, no, no...Work lands on you unannounced
All your priorities get bounced.
Where you are and where it's at, you see, it isn't me
Who's tugging out all of their hair.
You're right: it just isn't fair.
We know we're not fooling anyone: it isn't fun.Like rats in a maze
Wandering round in a daze
With despairs and dismays
Getting anything done, by any old one,
It's just an impossibility.Tell me
Why'd they have to go and make things so complicated?
It's a nightmare with every teeny tiny weeny farty
Process triplicated?
But work's like this, you're
The one who's required to recall rules laid in full
In the runes of a phantom manual
The stuff of legend, otherwise unsubstantiated.
No, no, no..(No, no, no...)Chill out, whatcha working for?
Give up, it's all been done before.
And if you could only let it be... you will see.
Some fool changes the world.
We sit back, lip curled.
We're trying to be cool, we were that fool not so long previously.Tell me
Why'd the have to go and make things so complicated?
And at the same time why does every piece of work we do
Have to be unco-ordinated?
It's a mystery to me.
That they'll sit and they'll talk
And they'll "plan" for a million years
And end up with a progress plan that's terminally constipated.
No, no...
Why must every bloody thing in here be so damned complicated?
The smoke and mirrors, the buck-passing inactivity gets me so damned frustrated But work's like this, you
Can't breathe, you can't move, you can't cough
You can't blink or squint or even fart
Without the entire purpose of the effort being dissipated.
No, no, no....
Say goodnight to the folks, Gracie.
"Think about this, Kev, and see if it makes sense to you."
"It won't."
"Don't be negative. We're moving Roadkill Library into the new SureStart complex."
"And we should have been in there a year ago."
"And the delay's caused by indecisions about layout and furniture."
"And there's no network or electricity points available at the counter, which is the one abiding constant in all the plans."
"But we're moving in next month."
"And the SureStart complex is linked to the corporate network via the Community Housing Office on Mulberry Terrace."
"Which closes next month as part of the corporate building strategy."
"So we'll move in a year late and just in time to have the network connections switched off."
"Sounds that way."
"And I am not surprised one bit."
"You have been here a year. You are one of us. Welcome to our world."
"Working late?"
"T.Aldous insisted that I take some more book sale down to Catty. Not that they've got room for it, mind."
"He asked you to do that at the end of the afternoon?"
"This was about three o'clock. Once I got to Catty Julia had me taking stuff over to Carbootsale."
"I saw you bring over the spinners when I was there. But that was about half four."
"That was the first of three trips she had me doing. God knows what they're supposed to be doing with it at Carbootsale, they've no space left any more and everything's piled up in the front porch."
"You look buggered," I remark. "You OK?"
"I am buggered. I just told T.Aldous that I felt knackered and do you know what he said?"
"He said: 'why? What have you been doing?'"
"It must be bloody good in their house at Christmas:
"Hello love, Merry Christmas. Where's me card and prezzie?"
"I've not got it yet; I wasn't sure when I was going to be able to get to the shops so I didn't bother. I'll get them tomorrow, so long as I'm not doing anything more important like book sale or choosing the colour of a skirting board."
"What's the point? The two of you will be making all the decisions on carpets and furniture and stuff so what's the point of me going over there? It'll just wind up the SureStart managers."
"I don't know why you say that, we've asked for your opinion throughout."
"I like that one."
"That's too expensive."
"Or that one."
"That's too expensive too."
"Would it be better if you showed me which are the ones we can afford?"
"I like that."
"No, it will be too dark with the carpet we're having."
"Well how about that? It looks really nice at Glass Road."
"They won't be able to deliver in time. They're bad at working to a deadline."
"This'll be why T.Aldous is so reluctant to have us move into the new library site," says Daisy, "they must be improving the visitor figures."
Q: Why is the one library that's open being asked to provide cover for a closed library?
A: Because Catty and Helminthdale, though closed, are open for Booksale and loan of the Richard & Judy Collection respectively.
"What a stupid arrangement this is. I'm trying to serve one of my talking book customers and all the while I've got lending library customers standing there tutting, tapping their feet and complaining about having to wait. And what for? To return books that could be left in a book drop bin or to ask when the library's going to open again. And the photocopier was dragged down and dumped on us and we don't have the first idea how the bloody thing works. And people keep asking us for change for it. The only reason why we have any money in the Section at all is that we've been told that we've got to take fines for overdue books that are being returned rather than telling them that it'll all be sorted out when the library re-opens. We've had to get an OXO tin to put the money in. So we've got all that hassle and what for? To issue and return a handful of books and to really piss off our usual customers."
"I think I'll ban Christmas," she mutters darkly.
"If I knew you exist I'd have let you deal with him yourself, believe you me."
"That model of radiator's been against the law for the last ten years."
"I expect they'll be replaced when we're redecorated, they've been promising us that for thirty years."
Every time I go to work I die a little.
Every day I feel a berk and wonder why a little.
Whene'er I ask a question of those who're in the know
They say "just leave it with me,"
When I want "yes" or "no."
When we're there
There's such an air of doom about it.
Pervading each and every room
There is a gloom about it.
Watching years undermine a
Cataclysmic change
That's really just minor.
Every time I go to work.
"We should have a library service intranet for information like this," says Milton.
"If nobody can be arsed sending out a whole-service email with the news there's no way they're going to be bothered updating an intranet page," I retort.
"Yes, Julia's decided they're coming here," says Pansy. "No idea where they're going, though."
"It'll act as a replacement network printer but you'll be able to keep the existing one as a back-up in case of problems."
"We barely have space for the network printers we've got and they've got half the footprint."
"They don't have to be on the counter. They can go against any of the walls in the library."
"If you had a multifunction device here you'd be able to use it as a fax as well as a printer or photocopier. You can plug it into one of the spare network points."
"We don't have any spare network points."
"Never mind. People will be able to scan and save the files."
"That's good, will they be able to save them on a USB stick?"
"No, they would email them on the internal network."
"But these would be public devices. The public would want to email them to themselves or to external organisations."
"They could send the emails to the library and then your staff could forward them on to the external destinations."
"No. I don't think we'll be doing that."
"Sorry about that. Jocelyn's just pulling something off for one of the old regulars."
"What? I know we're expected to expand the portfolio of services the Library Service is providing but we're not going that far are we?"
"Ho hum, it's another last-minute panic."
"My word, it's another unplanned bit of work with all the key dependancy factors out of control, we've not had one of them for, oooh, it must be a day."
"Good heavens, you tell me that the project you've been wittering on about for the past eighteen months is now overdue and you expect me to guess what you need me to set up for you. How unprecendented."