Out all day in Lancashire, nice to get out of the office. For some reason, ever since it was first suggested that I move my desk over to the windowsill the temperature in my office has rarely dipped below 30°C and there's no fresh air from the bus station blowing in through the air conditioning. If I thought for one moment that Policy Team could run a bath I might decide to put two and two together. As it is...
I was very much surprised to see that Lancashire still have corporation gulley suckers to keep the drains free of debris. I can't remember the last time I saw a corporation gulley sucker either at home or in Helminthdale. Which explains so much of the localised flooding last summer.
(Cow brewing cup of tea and reminiscing about the good old days of corporation gully suckers)
Except. Cow has no idea what those are.
Here's one doing the business
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