We're taking a bit of a breather while the world rearranges its underpants. Meanwhile, the other blog is here.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Comedy simply oozes from this set-up

Good news and bad news: Dotty Trampoline, who's been running Roadkill Library for the last few months, has got her post-grad place at university lined up and she starts next autumn. Good news for her, and best of luck. Bad news for the Library Service: we can't afford to lose good young staff. (Good news for me personally: when she goes I edge closer to the median age for Library Service staff).

It's not really such a surprise: let's be honest, the Library Service isn't a particularly good employer. We don't value staff; we don't have a training and/or development plan; and the pay's so bad and the "professional" boundary so rigid that Dotty's in her mid-twenties and is already as far as she's ever going to get in her career in this organisation, coining in the luxurious figure of three thousand pounds below the national average wage.

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