"Are you sure the tunnel's ready? I've got my acorn coffee and my forged passport."
He's spent this week putting all his files in order and making sure that Policy Team have got notes about all the projects and programmes currently on the go and the current state of play with all the performance indicators. Sure in the knowledge that they won't pay any attention whatsoever.
I'll miss him, it was nice to have somebody on the books who understands performance management.
...performance indicators? ...performance management? Surely a library is about learning, which, unlike training, is too intractable and beautiful a concept to be measured thusly. Jim's right to take a shot at freedom.
Sorry that one of your comrades-in-arms is departing the fray.
Speaking of forged passports.....oh nevermind, best not to call attention to such matters...big brother, you know...
gd - Public libraries in England have got one of the most complex (and only marginally-defensible) suites of performance indicators in local government.
Mind you, they are a useful way of "persuading" librarians that the 1950s finished quite some time ago.
Lavinia - once we've got our acts together we'll be supplying forged passports as part of our interlibrary loans service.
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