We're taking a bit of a breather while the world rearranges its underpants. Meanwhile, the other blog is here.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Chips Rafferty with everything

Henry Irving's cock-a-hoop. He's just back from a Museum Association conference which he went to with The Professionals. One of the presentations was about delivering a living memory session within a museum and involved lots of practical activities.

"You must remember to support your verbal communications with physical cues such as hand and arm movements. Your body must communicate as much as your mouth," explains the facilitator.

Henry, having spent his formative years as children's librarian in a small library just outside Cockaleekie, is dead smug and almost hugs himself with glee as he recounts The Professionals' acute discomforture during the ordeal.

I can see him requiring them to do a few public sessions once the memory's faded.

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