We're taking a bit of a breather while the world rearranges its underpants. Meanwhile, the other blog is here.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008


I notice that Lily at Cattermole Street Library is receiving Red Cross parcels addressed to:

Mrs. Lily Nattercan
Senior Decision-Maker
Cattermole Street Library

Suitably impressed, I ask her if anyone else knows she's changed her job title.

"I get sent them from a lady on Windie Road. She's ever so nice and I haven't the heart to tell her what I really do for a living."

"Are you getting business cards made?"

"Good idea. I'll ask T.Aldous in the morning."


The Topiary Cow said...

Cow once went to an international conference and on every vendor form listed her title as "Gardener."

Her friend listed her title as "Janitor."

Years later, we are still receiving mail under those titles.


Kevin Musgrove said...


In an earlier incarnation I used to claim the job title 'Boy Genius.' I packed it in when my then-employer made it official. I don't have the nerve to use the title in my 'previous employment' data.