In conversation with Milton about divers issues I opined that I didn't think we have a reference and information service. We have a lot of trophy titles on the shelves, and useful reference books kept well out of the reach of the public, but we don't have a reference and information service. We have people trained in reference and enquiry work who don't want to have anything to do with the public and people who are happy to deal with the public untrained in reference and enquiry work.
I can think of no more exciting time to be a reference librarian than the past decade. The number of reference librarians who have actually walked up to the plate and delivered can be counted on the fingers of your foot. (By all means point me to some examples of good practice. I'm in the market for a ray of sunshine.)
Didn't you hear ? The sunshine market has crashed!
It is the way...
The reference librarians here in Toronto are amazing. You call them up and they can tell you anything!
"We have people trained in reference and enquiry work who don't want to have anything to do with the public and people who are happy to deal with the public untrained in reference and enquiry work."
Ha! This about sums up every library this Cow has ever toiled in.
(Cow reiterating her happiness to no longer deal with the public)
Going back to being a hedge now...
Christine: apologies for a very tardy response! I am green with envy.
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