We're taking a bit of a breather while the world rearranges its underpants. Meanwhile, the other blog is here.

Monday, September 17, 2007

A jewel on the nation's arse

Call centre time again. Basically, it's a last-minute panic to not have any of our staffing budget taken off us to pay for the call centre without any of our planning for the fact that the centre's going to happen come what may so we should put forward some positive proposals for things they can do without ay additional resources that we'll have to pay for. Big shock, Management Group's negotiating ploy is to sit and sulk in the corner.

I'm not allowed in on any of the discussions on the Library Service's response to the call centre proposals, I'm just the guy who had to scope the project on his own over a few evenings because Management Group didn't want to know early last year; tried to ensure that all the physical activities and face-to-face interactions with customers outweighed any virtual or telephone interactions that could be taken over by the call centre; and who will be held responsible for any system that need to be set up, used and reported from when the time comes. What happens is that every so often one or other of them will pop their head into the office, show me some bit of paper I've never seen before and, before I get the chance to read it, subject me to another of their precious viva voce examinations: "can our management system report on the call centre's registering borrowers?" "what needs to be done?" "I thought not." Fuck off.

I wouldn't mind if these stupid examinations didn't involve their wasting my time with fifteen minutes' worth of blather about the doings and emailings of people I've never heard of prior to meetings I've never heard of or from either. Every bloody time.

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