"The dates and venues have been confirmed and booked," says Milton, "but I don't know if they're happening or not."
"Go on, then, how does that one work?" I ask.
"I don't know. What worries me is that it might make complete sense to me if I think about it."
Milton is scared stiff that he has gone native. Can't say that I blame him.
"Whole staff traning days"? Is it also part of the The Management Plan to make them feel like fully developed and spiritually aware people? (Or does each day just last the full 7.5 hours?)
Could go legless... except would not then be whole. Sounds simply Ghastly.
Faint hearts! It will be a hoot. We'll have weeks and weeks of people muttering in Shakespearian corners that they "don't do role play;" there'll be a big to-do about the lunchtime arrangements and the day before the event Maybelle will be asked to put up a display showing Policy Team's Strategic Focus and maybe even Commitment To Excellence.
Don't forget to complete the happy sheet before you leave.
Now there's a voice of experience!
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