"I had a right strange dream last night," says Seth.
"Oh aye?" I ask warily.
"I dreamt that I was sat on the bog having a crap when T.Aldous came along, banging on the door.
"'Seth!' he says, 'I need to speak to you.'
"'I'm on the toilet,' I says to him.
"But he's not having any of it. So in the end I had to let him in and he was sat on the floor next to me, yabbering away while I was having a shit."
As persecution dreams go, this is a lulu.
Scary. I have a reccuring persecution dream when I'm on the bog and Lulu bangs on the door asking if I'm using her Freeman's catalogue.
So, a blog on the bog?
Thanks for your visit and your kind comment .....
Gadjo, does Lulu pass you the Freemans catalog ig she find's that you're not using it?
Gadjo: a wet flannel will cure all
Hi David! ta muchly
Wendy: don't encourage him, he's at a funny age
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