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Wednesday, October 06, 2010

If I were two-faced, would I be wearing this one

I've given more diplomatic answers...

Julia's just come back from a meeting of Librarians What Talk At Tables.

"Leamholt's got a really active Facebook page. Why aren't we engaging with social networking like that?" she asks me.

I hear myself say:

"Strictly speaking, you're not even engaging with the World Wide Web."


zmkc said...

Why would a library need a facebook page? What an earth is a library doing 'social networking'? Am I mad? Is this all a very good thing? I understand nothing any more.

Kevin Musgrove said...

zmkc: it's actually a very good way of drumming up custom, especially for events and programmes in the library. So long as it's done properly, of course...

zmkc said...

Fair enough.