We're taking a bit of a breather while the world rearranges its underpants. Meanwhile, the other blog is here.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Consecrating an armadillo for St. Swithin's Day

Receive an email with the latest corporate exhortation to man the galleys for the glory of the nation.

"For fuck's sake, do they think I've nothing better to do?" I explode.

It turns out that on reflection no, I don't.


Unknown said...

when I grow up I want to be a professional member of the audience, available for small and large venues. Bonus features include loud laughing, clappping and jumping up and down.

Macy said...

I'm with Wendy H - except my natural temperment probably suits me more for heckling as needed....

libby said...

I want to be an 'expert' on something - then you are asked to give your opinion and paid lots of money to talk boll---s.
Kevin, am I allowed to say bollocks on your site?

Kevin Musgrove said...

These are all laudable ambitions. And the word bollocks is freely available on this site.

Pat said...

And what's all this about:

I really don't want to be a...d.

Kevin Musgrove said...

Pat: Linkedin is useful for business networking but I can't see it being much use otherwise. It's a bit of a pain in the arse to use.