We're taking a bit of a breather while the world rearranges its underpants. Meanwhile, the other blog is here.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Knuckling to it

e-Learning project meeting in a side room in Catty Infimary (overspill from a health education information presentation). The Reference Librarians from Dutch Bend are in fine form, much to the irritation of Henry Irving, the Local Studies Librarian. They start with the usual line:

"We're far too busy to do any of this work. We're snowed under as it is."

"That's OK. You just send the stuff to us and my team will get on with it."

"But how will you be doing it?"

"We'll just get on with doing the work."

I happen to know that the Catty staff who are camped out at Dutch Bend have spent the time since Christmas wondering just what the Dutch Bend Reference Library does besides photocopy reams of paper for the local antiquarian society. Not that this is reflected in the photocopying income, mind you.

Yet again, our noses are rubbed in their professional interest in providing family history services. Right up to the point when one of them pipes up:

"Of course, I don't know anything about these family history web sites..."

They've only had access to the internet for a decade and we've only subscribed to a couple for the past two years.

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