We're taking a bit of a breather while the world rearranges its underpants. Meanwhile, the other blog is here.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Knowledge workers

Bear this in mind...
  1. Lola is leading the children's centre bookdrop project.
  2. Frog is temporarily line-managing Lola and is responsible for the children's centre bookdrop project, together with all the rest of the children's library services.
  3. Mary line-manages Frog and is responsible for children's library services, inter alia and is the signing-off officer for the children's centre bookdrop project.
  4. T.Aldous is Chief Librarian and his only input on the children's centre bookdrop project was to hold up Lola's appointment for six of the twelve months of the life of the project.
T.Aldous is having a Children's Centre Bookdrop Project meeting with the regional organisers tomorrow morning.
  1. He's told Lola to collate all the statistics this evening so that he can answer any questions that may arise.
  2. Frog knows nothing about this meeting.
  3. Mary knows nothing about this meeting.

T.Aldous' parting shot to Lola:

"Make sure that you show that the statistics can be audited if necessary. I don't want to look a fool in this meeting."

It's to be hoped he keeps his mouth shut then.

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